I’m dancing in the rain, to the beat of my own drum

When I hear that phrase : “Dancing in the rain”, I think of happiness. I think of being free from ones bondage, of contentment, I think of confidence in oneself.

When someone says that they don’t care about what other people think of them, that is more often than not an exaggeration of their belief in their own self worth. Everyone cares about what other people think of them. For example ; it’s a very hot day, and the humidity is stifling…. You have to go the shops. Would you go to the shops in some running shorts, an old t-shirt that has a few stains, and a pair of slip slops?

Now, since I’ve accepted my own capabilities… I’ve been feeling like I’ve been walking around in the running shorts with the old t-shirt, and the slip slops… And I’ve been completely rocking it, while feeling really good about myself.

I feel like I’ve been dancing in the rain, and when people look at me, I remember that they aren’t hearing the same beat that I’m dancing to. Who has ever seen a sad, angry person dancing in the rain?

People will just see happiness.

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