I’m back after a break due to the last few years of CoVid

I was going to start off this post by talking about how crappy these last few years have been, due to CoVid. Now don’t get me wrong, CoVid has sucked on so many astronomical ways, but now that the world has come out on the other side of the CoVid enduced despair, we can live better (I know that I am). We can appreciate our jobs better, we can see where we are needed, we can live our life more clued up to germs… Which makes us safer, and all of this new found gratitude and happiness can change the trajectory of our lives. It’s changed mine, that’s for sure.

We’ve reached a kind of normality, this is the new way of living. I’m not scared to meet new people anymore. I’ve always loved meeting new people. Now, more so.

It’s amazing what a simple smile can do, and how it offers the opportunity to meet all sorts of people.

So, next time you are sitting by yourself in the shopping mall, or a coffee shop, or a park… Offer a smile to someone… It may change your day, hell… It may change your life.

Smiles make the world a better place.

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