So far away… But content, while I’m fighting the gremlins in my mind.

I feel like I am so far away from where everyone else is at this point. I know that that is a very sweeping statement, and couldn’t be further from the truth… But the gremlins that live inside my brain convince me that as my two best friends are both happily married, saving to buy houses, planning for the future, and I am not… It did make me feel like I was missing some crucial component in my life. Is there something wrong with me, because I’ve recently come to the decision that I do not want that stuff?

I don’t think so… I’m progressing in my job, because of my own efforts. I’m excepting myself as I am, because of my own efforts. I’m starting to love my own company, because of my own efforts. I’m stopping myself from comparing my life to others, because of my own efforts.

There’s no comparison.

Why do we compare? If you think about it, nothing good comes out of comparison… Comparison is the route of heartache. I cannot think of a moment when comparing yourself to someone else would be a good idea, and result in anything but heartache and self-loathing.

Compare yourself to what you imagine yourself to be in your own mind. That way you can make sure that it is always attainable.

It’s a mindset change. I’m very happy with the progression of my own life, and I’m going to stop putting unwanted pressure on myself.

No Mind Gremlins present here.

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