So far away… But content, while I’m fighting the gremlins in my mind.

I feel like I am so far away from where everyone else is at this point. I know that that is a very sweeping statement, and couldn't be further from the truth... But the gremlins that live inside my brain convince me that as my two best friends are both happily married, saving to buy …

Continue reading So far away… But content, while I’m fighting the gremlins in my mind.

I wear my scars like they are tattoos.

I wear my scars like they are tattoos. All over my body there are signs of what I've been through. I do not hide them. Why would I when They make me who I am. They keep me together, they make me one. I would not be myself if they were gone. - Alison Law …

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Stop wanting what you don’t have, instead find beauty in what is at your fingertips.

I'm guilty of always wanting what I don't have... What isn't available, and will probably never be available to me... What is an impossibility for me... What doesn't make sense for someone like me, with the barriers that I have. It made me sad that things that are a given for most people, are not …

Continue reading Stop wanting what you don’t have, instead find beauty in what is at your fingertips.

Taking guidance as a TBI is sometimes necessary… As well as hard

We all make mistakes. We all make assumptions. It's human nature. What the world generally knows, is that not all people are "good", not all people deserve our trust, and people have to earn our trust before we blindly put our lives into their corner. Me, on the other hand... Is someone who needs to …

Continue reading Taking guidance as a TBI is sometimes necessary… As well as hard

CoVid19 is huge, and how it has affected my little life.

Last year I was working every day and I was spending my weekends going out with my friends. I didn’t think about bumping into someone at the shops that I haven’t seen for years and giving them a hug, because it wasn’t even a question in my mind. I didn’t think that there would be …

Continue reading CoVid19 is huge, and how it has affected my little life.

I’m dancing in the rain, to the beat of my own drum

When I hear that phrase : "Dancing in the rain", I think of happiness. I think of being free from ones bondage, of contentment, I think of confidence in oneself. When someone says that they don't care about what other people think of them, that is more often than not an exaggeration of their belief …

Continue reading I’m dancing in the rain, to the beat of my own drum